The Silent War
Stay at home! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!- every now and then there was a call. The houses looked at each other with their eye-sockets in disbelief, looking at the empty streets. What's it? It's like a war, but there is no destruction, and instead of spent cartridges, someone threw medical masks.
No one suspected that the invisible enemy that appeared in November 2019 would conquer the whole world in a matter of months. Already at the end of March 2020, in order to prevent the spread of a new Covid-19 infection, a self-isolation regime was temporarily introduced in Moscow. The streets emptied, the city began to live a painfully silent life.
The hum of the crowd in the exhibition centers and the largest stadium was replaced by the rustle of temporary hospitals under construction. In underground passages and at train stations, people in chemical protection suits, lined up in a line, "combed" the territory. Large-scale holidays, which Moscow has always celebrated with a march on Red Square, were held in silence, broken only by the knock of a construction hammer on the pavement on Labor Day, and the hum of aviation on Victory Day. Unauthorized attempts to break this silence were stopped.
Yes, this quiet pause is over, giving the opportunity to prepare for life with an invisible enemy. Gradually, the city was filled with sounds, and the void in the reflections of the shop windows was filled with masked faces. The pandemic is changing the world. How it will become depends largely on ourselves!